The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office urges you to be prepared for a possible ice storm this week. There is a chance Laurens County may experience a winter weather mix by Wednesday and the Laurens County Sheriff’s Office would encourage all residents to be prepared.
A forecast of prolonged freezing rain is extremely dangerous. Trees, power lines, roads and walkways get covered with ice creating hazardous conditions. Freezing rain will create dangerous driving conditions and possible power outages.
If you lose electric service, the following safety tips can help you stay safe:
Good preparation makes winter storms more bearable. Follow a storm's progress by monitoring a weather radio. Prepare for a possible power outage.
Stock up on non-perishable foods, heating fuel and medications.
Fill your bathtub and spare containers with water in case your electric water pump or the local water system goes out.
Have a flashlight, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy.
Prepare older family members, friends or neighbors who live alone for the weather.
Store enough storm supplies to get each family member through three days without electricity or running water.
These are a few suggestions we would ask you to consider in addition to other needs you may require. Please make all attempts to stay off of the roads if an ice storm occurs.
The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office and all of Laurens County’s Public Safety and Public Works agencies will be working to assist you should inclement weather occur. Should you need immediate assistance call 911.
The Laurens County Emergency Management will be opening warming stations should they be needed. More details on the locations of these stations throughout Laurens County will be forthcoming.
Stay Safe and Stay Prepared!
A forecast of prolonged freezing rain is extremely dangerous. Trees, power lines, roads and walkways get covered with ice creating hazardous conditions. Freezing rain will create dangerous driving conditions and possible power outages.
If you lose electric service, the following safety tips can help you stay safe:
- Non-electric, unvented space heaters can be a hazard. Use them only in well-ventilated areas.
- Cook with a camp stove, fireplace or can of Sterno (cooking fuel). Never use charcoal or other fuels in unventilated areas.
- If you use an electric generator, plug appliances directly into it. Never plug a generator directly into your home's electrical wiring.
- Disconnect or turn off appliances you were using when the power went off. Leave one light on to tell you when service is restored.
- Avoid opening refrigerators or freezers. Food will stay frozen in a fully loaded freezer for 36 to 48 hours if the door is closed. In a half-full freezer, food will keep 24 hours.
Good preparation makes winter storms more bearable. Follow a storm's progress by monitoring a weather radio. Prepare for a possible power outage.
Stock up on non-perishable foods, heating fuel and medications.
Fill your bathtub and spare containers with water in case your electric water pump or the local water system goes out.
Have a flashlight, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy.
Prepare older family members, friends or neighbors who live alone for the weather.
Store enough storm supplies to get each family member through three days without electricity or running water.
- Canned goods and non-perishable foods that don't need cooking. (Canned meats, fishes, soups, fruits, vegetables, juices, bottled water, baby formula, etc.)
- Prescription medicine (a two-week supply).
- Manual can opener.
- Disposable plates, cups and utensils.
- Water purification tablets (halazone).
- Infant care items (disposable diapers, wipes).
- First aid supplies.
- Flashlights or lanterns and extra batteries.
- Ice chest.
- Masking or duct tape.
- Battery-operated radio.
- Non-electric clock.
- Canned heat (sterno).
- Portable outdoor camping stove or grill with fuel supply.
- Fire extinguisher.
- Plastic sheeting for drop cloth.
- Chlorinated bleach.
These are a few suggestions we would ask you to consider in addition to other needs you may require. Please make all attempts to stay off of the roads if an ice storm occurs.
The Laurens County Sheriff’s Office and all of Laurens County’s Public Safety and Public Works agencies will be working to assist you should inclement weather occur. Should you need immediate assistance call 911.
The Laurens County Emergency Management will be opening warming stations should they be needed. More details on the locations of these stations throughout Laurens County will be forthcoming.
Stay Safe and Stay Prepared!